Tag Archives: design

Q&A with Designer Nate Kogan

I think any street photographer will say that one of the more interesting things about shooting pictures in an urban landscape is that you don’t have to worry about models posing. I must say that when I was invited to attend the launch for Nate Kogan’s Series 2, I had no idea that I would be setting up my favourite little characters in poses.

In the Limelight, by scubagal

Nate’s concept of capturing the work of Canadian street-artists and having them design socks seemed at first, staggeringly funny. His notion is that you are not just buying socks, but a canvas uniquely designed by some of Canada’s greatest street artists.

I had the pleasure of Nate’s company while strolling through his incredible studio, discussing his socks, of course.

iLHP: I’ve got to say, it is so very exciting to be interviewing you! Who are you, exactly, that came up with the amazing idea of using Canadian street artists to design socks?  What is your background?

Nate Kogan:  Well, my name is Nate, and I am located in Toronto, Ontario. I have an arts background but I am always shifting my creative endeavours which happen to have landed me as the co-founder and creative director of Huely socks.

Continue reading Q&A with Designer Nate Kogan

My Introduction (Christian M.) – Photographing the Macro World

Eclosion of Life: it’s a 2mm wide wild flower shot: 16mm (24mm FF equivalent), f/4.5, 1/80 sec, 100 ISO

Hi everyone,

First of all, I want to thank Edward T. for giving me the opportunity to collaborate with him on this website and share with you all my experience of photography.

Morning dew: 16mm(24mm FF equivalent) f/4.5, 1/60 sec, 250 ISO
Droplets Spree: 16mm(24mm FF equivalent) f/4.5, 1/60 sec, 250 ISO

So Hi, I’m Chris M. and I live in the Paris area. That being said, it is not relevant information as my photography style is about macro photography, natural landscapes and silhouetted subjects.

Continue reading My Introduction (Christian M.) – Photographing the Macro World