Category Archives: Asia

Shanghai Once Again

To me, Shanghai is one of the most romantic places in the world. I’ve been to Paris, New York, Montreal, etc. It is not just an urban jungle. Tucked away between the ultra-modern buildings are neighborhoods with a lot of character and flavor. Continue reading Shanghai Once Again

Phuket (pronounced “Pouket”), Thailand

Thailand has got to be one of the most gorgeous places in the world. Accessible, friendly, and amazing. Continue reading Phuket (pronounced “Pouket”), Thailand

Amazing Locations: 1933 Slaughterhouse

10 Shajing Road (虹口区沙泾路10号) in Hongkou, Shanghai. Local businessmen transformed this once slaughterhouse in a mixed use cafe, restaurant, and gallery space. Must visit for any photographer in Shanghai.

Continue reading Amazing Locations: 1933 Slaughterhouse

Travel Photography (Part 2: The Environment)

It is an undeniable fact that well known photographic attractions will be teeming with people. Vendors, hawkers, families, and other tourists will take away the magic of the locale leaving a distracted image. Nothing ruins the experience more then trying to crop out other photographers in your shot. I have learned a few tips among my travels that had helped me avoid that problem or look at it in a new way.

Continue reading Travel Photography (Part 2: The Environment)

三亚 (Sanya),海南 (Hainan)

Sanya, Hainan is the top tourist destination for Chinese domestic tourists. It is the southern most island province in the South China Sea. It is often dubbed the “Hawaii” of China.

Continue reading 三亚 (Sanya),海南 (Hainan)